Here are a few things that I've done over the course of my entrepreneurial journey that I thought I'd never do in my life. One of them is owning a selfie stick. Why would I EVER need that?!
If you would’ve told me at 39 years of age, I’d own a selfie stick as a part of my business, I’d laugh so hard I’d probably pull an abdominal muscle.
That is just one of the many things that I’ve done along my entrepreneurial journey that I thought I’d never do. But one thing is for certain, it’s all for success.
Yes. I put it out there. I’m doing this to have an impact on the world. I’m done playing small and playing for averages. That’s something that I did when I was working a 9-5. You know: go to college, earn a degree and get a good job with benefits and a 401K. Yea. Lived that life. I was miserable. I was financially defeated and couldn’t see my way out of paying $30K plus in college loan debt.
Sorry, but I’m not down with the Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman bit. I’d rather figure out how to increase my income by so much that I don’t even blink an eye when it comes to purchasing what I want. I was fatigued from looking at prices all the damn time and worrying about money.
Teach me how to increase my income and make money work for me. That’s the stuff that keeps me interested. That’s why Grant Cardone’s book The 10X Rule resonated profoundly with me. It was all about doing ten times more work than you think you’re capable of to break through the noise.
And guess what, he’s right. Ever since then, I’ve been a man on fire. Now there’s also been some things that I’ve done that have been completed against the norm and guess what - I LIKE IT.
Here’s a list of a few things that I’ve done that most people would think is insane:
Drained Our Retirement Accounts
Yes. That’s right. Every last penny. *Gasps* but what will he have to live on when he’s 65 years old?!? Here’s one thing I learned from rich people: none of them have 401Ks. Why? Because they’re worried about increasing the income exponentially so they can have assets that pay them over time as opposed to having liabilities that they have to pay over time.
Get it?
When you have more liabilities than assets, you have expenses that far outweigh your income. You don’t have any net worth.
I’m in the process of becoming a multimillionaire. I know I can get a job. That’s easy. I want to do something that’s challenging and make it work.
I’m all-in so there’s no turning back but if I were to fail miserably and fall flat on my face, at least I know I went all out.
Posts Like A Crazy Man on Social Media
I post everywhere all day, non-stop. I’m not even joking. If you follow me, you already know this is true. I went from posting a few times a week on Facebook to posting almost 3500 times a week. Yes. 3500 times a week. Here’s what I post per social media platform and what I do.
Facebook profile: 2 posts/day - 14/week
Facebook page: 6 posts/day - 42/week
Twitter: 450 posts/day - 3,150/week
Instagram: 2 posts/day - 14/week
YouTube: 2 posts/day - 14/week
LinkedIn: 2 posts/day - 14/week
Snapchat video stories: 10 posts/day - 70/week
Facebook profile video stories: 2-6 posts/day - 14-42/week
Instagram video stories: 6-10 posts/day - 42-70/week
I think it’s fair to say that I do a hell of a lot. But I can do more.
Daddy Daycare
Never in a million years did I ever think I’d be staying at home and doing my entrepreneurial journey. If God would’ve told me this plan before I got started, I would've said an emphatic NO. I’m not doing that.
But here I am. A stay-at-home dad who’s doing work on my business and watching my two little girls. Listen, I was the guy that was happy to send my kids to daycare so I could go to work in peace. I love my babies but I also love quiet time.
That all changed when we moved to Idaho. Talk about taking on new risks. If you don’t know about this, then you need to read these articles below to understand the challenges that my two little girls have been.
They’re great kids and I love my babies. But I never thought I’d be in this spot. Yikes.
Seven Podcasts
I’ve always wanted to do a podcast but I never in my wildest dreams ever thought of doing seven of them. Yes. Seven. The idea is to be on your mind 24/7/365. I should be. With all of the content that I have out there, if I’m not on your mind, then I’m doing something wrong.
If for no reason at all, I want you to think to yourself when you hear the word authentic, you think of Fred Blumenberg.
Each podcast has its own directive when it comes to delivering the content to my entrepreneur followers.
Teflon Don Positive Mindset: Developing, reinforcing and strengthening your positive mindset daily. 5 min podcast posts everyday.
Warrior Mentality: Tapping into your killer instinct when it comes to emotionally and mentally defeated the competition. Think of it as playing mind poker. 45-60 min podcast posts every Monday.
The Truth About Being an Entrepreneurial Dad/Husband: Most entrepreneurs are unwilling to tell the ugly truth about being an entrepreneur. They'd rather show the money, the cars and the vacations. I talk about the dirt and the ugly and then I include the glitz and glamour. 5 min podcast posts every Tuesday.
The Dark Side of Your Psyche: Society is quick to point out your shortcomings but they're not willing to say that your "shortcomings" could be used for your monetary gain. I show you how. 15 min podcast posts every Wednesday.
I'm Hella Silly, Joe: Joe is a Chicago term that we use for everyone. I'm from Chicago so of course I have Joe in the title. This podcast is strictly for all of the stories, the craziness, the madness and all that jazz that has happened in my life. 10 min podcast posts every Thursday.
The Real Deal Unchained: This podcast is an extension of my Real Deal one minute rants on my YouTube channel. This podcast gives me allows me a chance to elaborate on my rant and bring you into the coach's office. 45-60 min podcast posts every Friday.
What's the Word: I have a Fred Blumenberg's Word of the Day that I like to feature on Twitter. Along with the word of the day, I create a short podcast that defines my reasoning for the word. 5 min podcast posts randomly (for now).
Future podcasts will include one with my wife that will give her a voice to tell the world the flip side of what it's like to be a wife to a crazy entrepreneur such as myself. I will also include my kids in a podcast that gives other kids and even parents some insight on what our young children are thinking and what they're learning along the way.
Make sure you subscribe and leave a comment on my podcasts. I love to read any feedback. Good, bad or ugly.
Owning a Selfie Stick
I never would've thought I’d own a damn selfie stick. I’m mean, I’m a self-a sorbing kind of guy but honestly I never thought I’d have a selfie stick. I just never saw the reasoning for it.
That is until I started using my phone to create a crazy amount of videos. My arm got tired of holding my damn phone just to record. Getting the selfie stick was a godsend. Now I need the tripod. That’ll be the next thing.
Moving to Idaho
Let me tell you, I was that guy that always said, I was not a West Coast guy. I was not an Idaho guy. And here I am, in Idaho. It’s crazy how things change. It’s crazy how my mindset has changed over that period of time as well.
The move itself wasn’t stressful or scary. The scary part was not having a house to live in until the very last moment. Talk about stress. My wife finally found something at the eleventh hour and we had a house to live in.
All of these things and more have been a part of my entrepreneurial journey. I began on October 7, 2015 and have been on a roller coaster ever since.
Why I Decided to Become an Entrepreneur - Jul. 15, 2017 with Fred Blumenberg
One thing I’ve learned is that anything can happen but the best part is doing whatever it takes to make the best thing happen. Come along and join my entrepreneurial journey. I have a tab on my YouTube channel called Fred Blumenberg’s Entrepreneurial Journey.
Make sure you check out the videos on my journey and subscribe to my channel to stay up to date with the authentic parts of being an entrepreneur.